The LSAT's over - hooray! And tomorrow midterms hit like a tidal wave. Oh well. The only really bad thing about being so busy is that I don't have much time to craft. But then, considering how much money I spend on crafts, maybe that's a good thing.
So a while back, Mom had suggested that I do a recipe collage, made up of the containers of the ingredients and the recipe. I'd been waiting for one to do, and I finally got a good one: my pie! A few weeks ago, the fair came to town. I'd always wanted to enter a pie contest - I'd love to start baking competitively - and so I entered. It's my first recipe/cooking contest, and it's an original recipe. When I was turning it in, I even got interviewed by a reporter from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (the biggest paper in Georgia)! She even mentioned the blog (not that I think it helped much with the readership...oh well). I didn't win (shoot, I didn't even place) but I've got pictures from the fair, the recipe, the ingredients, the newspaper clipping, scrapbook paper, and lots of dimensional stickers. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out, although I didn't mean for it to be so monochromatic (or dichromatic, as the case may be). Everything looks red, with a fair amount of yellow.

All the stuff, ready to get started. I have to say, this project cost a little more than I thought it would, but I've got tons of stuff left over that I can use on other projects.

I like working on the floor because I have a lot of space. The bad thing is that it starts to hurt after a few hours.

The finished product! It doesn't look the way I thought it would, but I do like it. The other girl in the pictures is my friend Bekah, who went to the fair with me. I have no clue where I'm going to hang it - there's no space left in our kitchen. We'll find somewhere - a task for another day. Goodnight!