Saturday, November 20, 2010

A few ideas for fall...

Three weeks left of this semester. Three weeks and I'll be able to craft again. And, you know, sleep. And then I'll be back to updating this site more regularly. It can't happen fast enough. But anyway...

First of all, I had to share this. No, it's not a craft, but it IS adorable. I'm definitely making one of these. It's...
these amazing turkey apple tarts from MirandaMade! So simple! So pretty!

Next is an old idea from Martha Stewart - it's been around for a few years, but it's still good. 
 Squash bowling pins!  
And finally, from No Biggie, we have
I'm not exactly sure what you'd do with this, but it would make a really cute ornament. 
Have a good week!

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